
DJI Goggles凭借什么被国内外媒体称为“大疆迄今为止最强大的一款配件”?

转载 2017-05-04 08:02 DJI大疆创新 来源:DJI大疆创新

  DJI飞行眼镜(DJI Goggles)一经发布,令很多疆粉感叹“终于等到你”。它作为DJI的首个飞行眼镜,支持远距离高清图传、体感控制,拥有高分辨率显示屏,让使用者能够以第一视角“沉浸式体验”飞行的乐趣。


  除此之外,DJI Goggles也吸引了来自海内外媒体的关注。如果你还在纠结是否要购买DJI Goggles?来看看中外媒体对它的评价,或许可以给你带来一些参考。

  DJI Goggles could be the most essential drone accessory yet.

  DJI Goggles可能是大疆至今为止推出的一款最强大的无人机配件。

  ——Trusted Reviews

  It sounds like there’s a bit more freedom when controlling the gimbal, and if that’s true it could be a smoother way of moving the camera than the sometimes twitchy joystick.

  DJI Goggles可以为佩戴者带来更自如、更流畅的云台操控体验,比摇杆操控更流畅。

  ——The Verge

  DJI's first-person Goggles look to the future of drone flight.

  DJI全新的第一人称视角眼镜DJI Goggles呈现未来飞行视界。

  The new DJI Goggles put you in the cockpit of a quadcopter, giving you a first-person, VR-like experience in the real world.

  全新的DJI Goggles让你仿佛置身于直升机驾驶舱,带来与虚拟现实类似的第一人称视角飞行体验。


  But probably the coolest feature is something called Head Tracking. This lets pilots control the drone while it flies forward by moving their head — you turn left or right to yaw left or right, just like you’d do with the joystick.

  DJI Goggles最酷的功能可能是体感控制。佩戴者可通过左右或上下移动头部来改变飞行器的航向,和使用摇杆操控飞行器的效果一样。


  The DJI Goggles are a first-person view system that gives drone pilots a bird’s eye view of the world in full HD.

  DJI Goggles能让佩戴者以全高清分辨率俯瞰广袤世界。

  Wearing the DJI Goggles is like looking at a 216” home cinema screen placed about three meters away.

  DJI Goggles带来的观感几乎等同于在约三米的距离观看216 英寸的巨幅影院屏幕。

  ——No Film School

  With the control features, the Goggles can be used for piloting the drone, allowing a photographer and pilot to work together or giving a spectator a pretty nice view.

  DJI Goggles的控制功能使飞手和摄影师可方便地协同合作,并为佩戴者带来非凡观感。

  ——Digtal Trends

  有别于一些航模的 FPV 眼镜,DJI飞行眼镜将所有的图传、遥控天线都集成在了眼镜内部和头带上,看起来非常美观、简洁,还能实现 360°全向接收范围。


  DJI Goggles能够提升飞行器操控效率及人机互动体验,让佩戴者拥有置身空中俯瞰世界一般的第一视角飞行体验。





  此次推出的DJI Goggles还是非常有科技感的,从体验和操作上来说都是无人机控制的一次创新升级。


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