
北京小哥在日本召唤出机器飞龙,拿下ICRA 2018最佳无人机论文

转载 2018-06-21 14:26 来源: 量子位







  是不是超厉害 ?没错,这个变形机器飞龙的相关研究,获得了机器人领域顶级会议ICRA 2018的最佳无人机论文大奖。











  这个名字其实是一个缩写,全称:Dual-rotor embedded multilinkRobot with theAbility of multi-deGree-of-freedom aerial transformatiON



  所有的模块通过电动铰接连接,这个飞龙的神经中枢是一块Intel Euclid,动力来自电池组,能够提供三分钟的飞行时间。



  板载的IMU(惯性测量单元)和Intel Euclid组成飞行控制单元,每个模块上都有一个分布式的控制板(标记为neuron神经元),电子速度控制器(ESC)控制涵道风扇。



  JSK实验室成员Fan Shi把这个飞龙描述为:“硬件设计的突破,它以美丽的方式将涵道风扇驱动的操纵臂连接起来,组成空中机器人。”


  上面提到的Fan Shi是这个飞龙机器人的研究者之一。

  实际上,在ICRA 2018上获得最佳的那篇论文,作者团队包括:Moju Zhao、Tomoki Anzai、Fan Shi、Xiangyu Chen、Kei Okada、Masayuki Inaba。

  其中第一作者,是Moju Zhao(赵漠居)。








  如果你对机器飞龙的论文感兴趣, 传送门在此:



  In this letter, we introduce a novel transformable aerial robot called DRAGON, which is a dual-rotor-embedded multilink robot with the ability of multi-degree-of-freedom (DoF) aerial transformation. The new aerial robot can control the full pose in SE(3) regarding the center of gravity (CoG) of multilinks and can render the multi-DoF aerial transformation, which is accomplished by the original two-DoF force vectoring mechanism on each link called the dual-rotor gimbal module. The dynamics is derived on the basis of the special definition of CoG orientation, followed by a control method decoupled into thrust force control and rotor gimbal control. In the thrust force control, the minimum force norm is considered to avoid force saturation, and the rotor gimbal control method is developed to enhance both translational and rotational stabilities during hovering and large-scale aerial transformation. The prototype composed of four links is constructed, and associated preliminary experiments are performed. The feasibility of the novel mechanical design and the proposed control method for the aerial transformation is demonstrated.


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