

转载 2015-11-12 14:02 卢彩燕 来源:RTCA




Who is RTCA?
RTCA is a private, not-for-profit association founded in 1935 as the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics. We are the premier Public-Private Partnership venue for developing consensus among diverse, competing interests on critical aviation modernization issues in an increasingly global enterprise.

RTCA has provided the foundation for virtually every modern technical advance in aviation. Our products serve as the basis for government certification of equipment used by the tens of thousands of aircraft flying daily through the world’s airspace. Utilized as a Federal advisory committee, RTCA works in response to requests from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to develop comprehensive, industry-vetted and endorsed recommendations for the Federal government on issues ranging from technical performance standards to operational concepts for air transportation. Our deliberations are open to the public and our products are developed by aviation communityvolunteers functioning in a consensus-based, collaborative, peer-reviewed environment.

The Value of RTCA
RTCA provides the venue for public-private collaboration that achieves the necessary improvements in the safety and efficiency of the air transportation system. The FAA has taken positive action on recommendations it has sought from RTCA, leading to tangible outcomes such as timely availability of certified avionics and improvements in the performance of the air traffic management system.
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